Little Jasper above is perfectly modelling my mood right now; hands in mouth thinking over which film stock I will adapt to capture all the cute babies?!! This may sounds like an odd wonder for an early week dilemma! So let me explain. One of the most important steps for a photographer is to determine the style in which they present their work in. As I update my website with more and more film photographs, it is important to show a consistent style. Recently, I did some testing with various film stocks and would love your opinion on which ones you are loving more! TRY not to get distracted by all the cute babies and moms :-)
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW: for example, Kodak Portra 400, natural light. Your vote will be extremely helpful!
You will notice, Kodak Pro results have more warmth and red tones in the skin. Compared to Fuji Pro that has a cooler overall tone, skin is more transparent and the scene has more blues. For Black and White film stock, different manufactures have mastered their blacks, mid-tones and whites differently. I am a big fan of Ilford and Kodak for their black and white series, therefore only tested these two stocks.
Thank you so much for your feedback!