Ottaway baby photography

The Everyday Photograph - Ottawa Documentary Lifestyle Photographer

The Everyday Photograph - Ottawa Documentary Lifestyle Photographer

I could share just the pretty of the photos I take but lately I am being pulled to share the stories behind the images I capture of my family and those of my clients. 

To share a new and fresh perspective around the deeper feelings that exist when looking at photographs. 

I've pondered a while on how to communicate this new way I'll be sharing content here. The closest I've come to defining it is what you see VS what your child sees. Over the last few years, I've been observing and asking my own children just how they see things. My visual skills are fine tuned so I thought but it seems that the things I see are a bit different than what my children have brought light to. And since my goal as a photographer has always been to capture moments that reflect the people in the photos, I was keen on learning more of the difference that they shared with me. As a result, my visuals have evolved and the connections in my photographs have as well.

You see photographs are memory keepers of a time that once was. Of a time we didn't always appreciate the little things or the mundane everyday details but when we reflect back, these details are consistently always the BIG things that have shaped us and defined us. 

Baby Jasper - Celebrating Motherhood - Day3

Baby Jasper - Celebrating Motherhood - Day3

In Nadia's words ....

The thing that melts my heart is when I am in another room caught up in the daily chores of emptying school bags, dishes, preparing supper, etc and then I hear Jasper laugh. I go to look in the living room and Seraphina and him are playing together as whatever she is doing (peekaboo, blowing raspberries, giving him aggressive kisses) he loves it. 

The night feedings. But even as I wish for a full nights sleep, I realize that my baby is growing up and that is the next step in not needing me as much. 

I read something recently that resonated with me: motherhood is a place caught between reminiscing about the past, hoping for the future and enjoying the present. It is a constant struggle of balancing all three emotions.

Penn - 9 months old - Ottawa Baby Photographer

Penn - 9 months old - Ottawa Baby Photographer

Dear Penn,

My camera was of great interest to you. You followed me curiously around the room and allowed me to really get to know your personality. Thank you! As my goal always is to echo back just who you were when you were little. These photos are just as important to you as they are to your parents. Do know, much love and joy echoed in your first home. I am honoured to have witnessed it!