
Lourdes' Motherhood Story - Ottawa Documentary Photographer


It has been such an honour to watch Lourdes and Luna’s relationship flourish over the past 8 months. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting them on FOUR different occasions for the Missing Frame Series pop ups alongside their Mellow Baby classes. I’ve included a ton of images in this post of sweet Luna in her mother’s arms. Thank you both for being a shining light on the project and allowing me to share your beautiful story. You’ve inspired me more than I can put into words. xo

I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant. I had just arrived back home from an intense work trip and thought my period was late because of it. When my husband told me he had accidentally dropped a pregnancy test (that we had bought months ago) into the toilet, I didn’t pay it much attention. As I was using the washroom the next day, however, I saw the pregnancy test in the empty garbage bin and thought, “Oh well, if it’s going to be garbage, I might as well just use it!”. You can imagine my surprise when I saw a very unexpected ‘+’ staring back at me. At that moment, I had all the feels. 


Fast forward 9 eventful months later. My beautiful daughter was born by emergency C-section after 28 hours of induced labour. Tim, my wonderful husband, held her in his arms first and then brought her to me. I saw my tiny baby for the first time and I had an urge to sing “you are my sunshine”, although I only got to half the song because I was overcome by tears. When I recovered, I remember holding my delicate, yet strong, baby in my arms and feeling my heart full of love, fully realizing in that moment that my life had changed forever. 


My breastfeeding journey was unexpectedly challenging. My milk would not come in and I can still recall the physical and emotional pain of those days: slavishly pumping every two hours around the clock, feeling like my body was no longer my own. I’m all about public breastfeeding, but I wasn’t comfortable with showing off my body just like that in front of others, and overcoming that feeling took me some time and effort. In the end, I still wasn’t producing enough milk and I felt like I was failing my daughter and all the people around me who kept telling me “breast is best!”. I managed to make my peace with the fact that I had low milk production and we started supplementing my breast milk with formula. It was such a wonderful feeling to not have all that stress on me and to be able to feed my baby until she had a full belly. That’s when I learned that fed is best: you need to do what works for your baby, for your family, and for yourself. Later in my motherhood journey, I learned my iron and vitamin B levels were extremely low, so no matter how much I tried, my body wasn’t going to be able to produce enough milk for my baby.

When Luna was about 6 months, postpartum depression (PPD) hit me. I noticed something wasn’t right when I started feeling angry and resentful all the time; I was no longer able to enjoy the day-to-day. In those of depression, frustration, and anger, I felt I was becoming someone I promised myself I would never be, and my heart was breaking from it. I reached out to my doctor, who connected me to an organization dedicated to helping groups of moms that were going through the same situation. In my group, I learned that women who have experienced trauma, a difficult birth, and have experienced difficulty breastfeeding, are more prone to PPD. I have only love, admiration, and gratitude, for those women who provided me with a safe space to share, express, relieve, and ultimately heal. I remember one of them saying something that left me deeply touched: “I thought I was weak for struggling with PPD, but I have come to realize that this experience, my journey, has only made me stronger and a better mother for my daughter”. 


When you experience PPD you feel like part of your time with your baby was taken away from you. There is guilt and there is grief. Sometimes, when I have my depression lens on, I tend to think that I wasn’t a good mother to Luna while struggling with all of this. That’s why these pictures are so precious to me: looking back at them, I’m reminded that even when we were going through a difficult time, my baby was happy and she was loved. Through them, I see how I evolved from my shyness as I was trying to figure out life with a newborn to my strength as I am about to become the mom of a one year-old baby. Overall, what I value the most about these pictures is that I see a connection and endless love between a mother and her daughter. 


My baby has made me a new woman. She gifted me with the opportunity to become a better version of myself, and for that, I am humbled and deeply grateful.



Irina Fortey is an Ottawa and Toronto Documentary Photographer.
Capturing your everyday in the most beautiful way, candidly and unscripted.

Mayssam's Motherhood Story - Ottawa Documentary Photographer


I became a mom a few months before turning 38 years old, and as an accomplished career woman and feminist, it has caught me completely by surprise how much I love every second of it and have no desire to ever leave my baby again! Becoming a mother has changed me beyond expectations, and I feel like I have found a peace that not much else has given me - and that is saying something given how dedicated I was to my work helping women around the world. 

Pregnancy took both my partner and I by surprise, but it has changed our world in a way that neither one of us thought possible and couldn’t have understood before having Lucano Finn Di Bella Zaaroura. 

I loved every moment of my pregnancy - minus the heartburn (as you can see, he has a lot of hair and was born that way). I loved seeing my body change and grow, and feel what a woman’s body can do to create life and protect it. Giving birth made me feel like superwoman and at the same time, so insignificant in the face of this incredible experience. The challenges of breastfeeding and protecting this tiny creature humbled me and my partner, and this little monkey has taught us more about ourselves than anything before. 

Lucano has filled our world with an incomparable joy. He is naturally a playful, happy baby and has a way of mischievously teasing my husband and I, since he was a couple of months old, making us laugh at his antics. 

I am only doing this once, so now all I do is try to memorize and cherish these fleeting moments with him, as he gallops through the months and milestones - and still lets me cuddle him close and cover his face with kisses!


1) if you had to list one thing your little one does that melts your heart, what would it be? 

There are so many things he does, like throwing me mischievous looks as he tries to escape being clothed (he loves to roll around naked!) or how he touches my face when he goes to sleep or wakes up to feel me there next to him .... but if I had to list one (!!!): At 5 months old, Lucano tapped my hand one day and said “mamma” clearly. My heart stopped for what felt like a noticeable time and then just melted into a puddle. Now he says it when he is upset or wants to nurse and every time I want to just sit and cry like a baby at the pure joy it brings to hear him say “mamma”. 

2) on the flip side what is one thing you could do without?

I am sure eventually I will have something (or many) that I can do without but right but right now there’s really nothing ... or maybe it would be that he doesn’t screech like I’m torturing him if I try to put cream or sunblock on his face! 


Please leave Mayssam comments and share the love for the courage she’s taken in sharing her story.

Irina Fortey is an Ottawa and Toronto Documentary Photographer.
Capturing your everyday in the most beautiful way, candidly and unscripted.

Motherhood - Ottawa Documentary Photographer


Motherhood. It will lift you up, fill your heart with joyful love all the while throwing you a mix of challenges. It’s a beautiful mess of growth and I am blessed to see it blossom for so many wonderful women.

If you’ve followed for a while you would of seen the images from The Missing Frame Project capturing moms and babies in candid black and white photos. I’ve now invited moms who’ve participated to share their stories so that more women hear their voices and find comfort in knowing the uniqueness of each of our motherhood experiences. I am thrilled to begin publishing these stories in blog features over the Summer. I invite you to check back or if you find it easier bookmark my photo blog and enjoy a daily read.

Please leave comments and share the love for the courage they’ve taken sharing their story.


Irina Fortey is an Ottawa and Toronto Documentary Photographer.
Capturing your everyday in the most beautiful way, candidly and unscripted.