Ottawa Resources

Wee Sleep - Ottawa baby + family resource


Raise your hand if you think your baby needs a better sleep routine?! If we were in a room filled with moms right now ... more than half would raise their hands! I would be one of them! If you are like most, you need X amount of hours of sleep to function normally. Unfortunately, your sleep cycle as a parent suffers significantly after having a baby, that little person requires around the clock care and leaves very little time to get the rest you need. The solution?! Getting your baby on a better sleep routine will help significantly in your own sleep routine, resulting in a happy baby and a happy mom!

I would like to introduce Heather Sharpe a wonderful mom and sleep consultant for Wee Sleep. I asked Heather to share her tips on establishing a great routine for baby, as well as, share her mommyhood adventures!

Introduction: Tell us a bit about yourself!

I grew up in the Ottawa Valley and currently live in Orleans with my husband and two children.  Jack is five years old and is an awesome big brother to his sister Avery, two years old.  As a family, we love the outdoors and look forward to spending weekends and holidays at the cottage to enjoy all that nature has to offer (no matter the season)!

How did your business venture come about?

I was introduced to WeeSleep when my son was 9 months old.  He was still waking every two hours in the night and I was beyond exhausted! I kept thinking that one night it would just "click" and he would miraculously start sleeping through the night.  Sleep-deprived and at my wits' end, I reached out to Janey Reilly, Founder and President of WeeSleep, and hired her immediately with the promise of getting our sleep back.  After our consultation, Janey provided me with a customized sleep plan specific to my sons situation and sleep needs. After only two nights into the program, my son finally started sleeping through the night!! By the end of the program he was also taking proper naps, which improved his mood (and mine!) significantly. It was life-changing and one of the best decisions we ever made!

A couple of years after I worked with Janey, an opportunity arose to train with her and become a Certified Infant and Toddler Sleep Consultant. Given my experience with both my son and daughter, I became very passionate about sleep and recognized the true benefits of having children establish positive and independent sleep skills.  I joined the WeeSleep Dream Team so that I could give other families the gift of sleep by using proper, gentle, supportive techniques to help them teach their children healthy sleep habits.

If you had three tips on how to establish good sleeping patterns within baby's first year, what would they be?  


Babies and children love routine and predictability.  To start, create a calm and consistent bedtime routine. Doing the same routine every night helps prepare your child for sleep and lets them know that sleep time is coming. A great routine could include: a bath, PJ's, a bottle or breastfeed, a short story, a song and then into bed AWAKE (with lots of kisses and hugs of course!). With time and consistency, this routine should help your child become comfortable with their peaceful sleep space and be happy to go to sleep on their own!


One of my favourite sleep catch phrases is "sleep begets sleep".  I find that many parents are afraid that an early bedtime will result in an early wake, but this is often not the case.  They key is to ensure your child takes age-appropriate naps throughout the day, and gets to bed before they become overtired at night (for most toddlers and preschoolers, this means around 7pm!). This will help your child unwind more easily and fall into a deep, restful sleep. By doing so, your child will be able to get a solid 10-12 hours of sleep during the night!


When a baby has learned only one way of falling asleep – i.e. being rocked, using a soother, being fed to sleep, etc. – then it’s common for them to wake multiple times per night and take only short naps during the day. Essentially, if a baby is dependent on something or someone for sleep, they are looking for this to get to sleep at ALL times. Then when they wake, they cannot transition to the next sleep cycle and continue sleeping. To help your baby begin to sleep more independently, avoid the props and, instead, put your baby down awake to help them learn to fall asleep on their own – this is how babies begin to sleep through the night and take restful naps!

Have a question to ask? Heather offers a free 15 minute consultation ~ send her an email at -

If you had any advise to give a new mom!

Being a new Mom is a very exciting time but can also be quite overwhelming.  Practicing self-care is easier said than done but it's so important for the mental health of all Moms. Yes, there will be times when you will "sleep when the baby sleeps"; however, there is much to be said for the benefits of a hot shower + clean clothes, a cup of coffee (that hasn't been re-heated five times) or even enjoying a warm meal sitting down.  Don't be afraid to ask for help - your baby needs you but you need to look after yourself, too!

What do you wish to remember the most about your children today?

Their creativity, silliness, drive for independence and love of hugs.  Most of all, I wish to remember their compassion and love for one another.  Oh yes, there is definitely sibling rivalry but there are those moments of tenderness that tug at your heartstrings - they MUST hug + kiss when they part in the morning, then again before bed; they show genuine concern (most times) when the other is hurt. As their mother, I can only hope that this bond grows even stronger over the years!

Images of Heather and her sweet munchkins all taken by yours truly at the One Diaper Canada Charity Event

Art for Cloth - Ottawa Fundraising Event


You are invited to participate in the
One Diaper Canada Charity Event

October 21st 2017 between 9am and 1pm

In Canada, 1 in 5 families is impacted by diaper need (the inability to provide enough clean diapers for their baby) because they are struggling financially. ONE DIAPER CANADA is committed to helping families in need by providing complete cloth diaper kits free of charge. Each of these kits costs the charity $100 to assemble, this includes: diaper repairs, sanitization, a cloth diapering information booklet, packaging and shipping.

One Diaper Canada + Irina Fortey Photography have joined forces to help more families receive cloth diaper kits in the coming 2018 year. We are co-hosting this fundraising event to provide donating families with a photography experience to keep alive the memory of their generosity.

 A minimum donation of $100 will allow you to receive a free photography session and 5x7 gift portrait.
Donating families will receive a time slot to create a family portrait on October 21st between 9am – 1pm at Irina Fortey Photography’s Gallery located in Ottawa.

100% of the proceeds will go towards One Diaper Canada. Tax receipts for the full donation amount will be provided to all donors.
One Diaper Canada will also be accepting donations of used or new cloth diapers for drop-off at the studio on the day of your photo shoot.

If you are unable to attend, please consider making a donation to help, I will offer a $50 off photography voucher for any future session with your donation.





One Diaper Canada - Partnership


Did You Know ... It costs over $3,000 to diaper a single child in disposable diapers in North America. For families who can’t afford these expenses, they may reuse dirty diapers, causing grave implications to a child’s health. This issue has been labelled “diaper need” and One Diaper Canada is at the forefront of tackling this concern. (source:

When I first read this simple statistic and began my research into the mission of the One Diaper Canada Organization, I knew I had to find away to help their vision. I've been fortunate enough to never worry in diapering my own children but it doesn't take away from parents who struggle with this basic necessity. We are currently in the works to host a fundraising event in October where 100% of proceeds will go directly towards closing the cloth diaper gap. Today, I wanted to introduce Cassandra and Lisa, the founders of One Diaper, below are their personal stories on being a mom and their advice to any new mom who may need a bit of inspiration today.

Founder Lisa - shares her view on parenting and life with little people

If I had any advice to give a fellow mom it would be to do whatever you feel is best for your family and don't judge others for doing the same. There aren't many "right" or "wrong" ways of doing things when it comes to parenting and you just do what works for you. When my son was very young, my husband and I both worked until late evening. We had a great schedule worked out but it meant that his bedtime wasn't until midnight. He slept until about 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning so he was getting very good sleep for a toddler but the amount of judgemental looks and questions we got about our schedule made us feel like we were doing something wrong. Because of that schedule, both my husband and I were able to spend time with our son before we went to work and still put him to bed at night which was a very important time for us as a family. 

If there is one thing I wish to remember about my children today it is my son's thirst for knowledge and his curiosity about everything. He wants to know the "who, what, where, when, why and how" about absolutely everything and he can never know too much about something. My daughter, I wish to remember how loving and cuddly she is. When she just leans over and gives me a kiss on the forehead or literally picks up my arm and puts it around her I can't help but be proud of the affection she shows the people she loves.

Founder Cassandra - shares her views on motherhood

If you have any advise to give a fellow mom, what would it be?  
I am a relatively new mom, so I certainly do not have everything figured out yet!  One thing that makes a big difference in my confidence as a mom and the relationship that I have with my kids is to intentionally spend a chunk (some days short, some days longer) of time sitting on the floor with my kids and playing with them or reading to them without any other distractions.  It is especially hard on busy days but it introduces a calmness and time of connection that we might not get a chance to have otherwise.

If there was one thing you wished to remember about your children today, what would it be? and why?!
Their little voices and their sweet smell!  They grow so fast, I know that's one thing I'll miss as they get older. 

Thank you Cassandra and Lisa for sharing a slice of your motherhood ! xo